The cut off marks for the KVPY Aptitude Test held on November 3rd, 2019 for different Streams are published herewith :- Stream SA (GN and OBC) - 44 marks out of 100
Stream SA - SC/ST - 32 marks out of 100
Stream SA - PWD - 32 marks out of 100 - Stream SB (GN and OBC)- 49 marks out of 100
Stream SB - SC/ST -33 marks out of 100
Stream SB - PWD - 33 marks out of 100 - Stream SX (GN and OBC) - 59 marks out of 100
Stream SX - SC/ST - 43 marks out of 100
Stream SX - PWD - 43 marks out of 100
Detailed result available at http://kvpy.iisc.ernet.in/main/2019-aptitudetestresults.htm